Read Me File





1. Minimum System Requirements


2. Running The Application


3. Technical Support




1. Minimum System Requirements




* Windows® 2000, XP, Vista


* Intel® Pentium® IV 450MHz or faster processor (or equivalent)


* 256MB RAM


* Monitor capable of 1024 x 768 minimum screen resolution


* Sound Blaster compatible sound card with Speakers or headphones


* 24x speed CD-ROM drive


* Web browser (recommended: Internet Explorer® 6, Netscape® 8+, Firefox® 2.+).


* Flash plug-in version 9 or higher (Flash plug-in available from





* Mac OS 10.3, 10.4 or 10.5


* Power Macintosh G4 700 MHz processor


* 256MB RAM


* Monitor capable of 1024 x 768 minimum screen resolution


* Sound card with Speakers or headphones


* 24x speed CD-ROM drive


* Web browser (recommended: Netscape® 6+, Safari®1.2+, Firefox® 2.+).


* Flash plug-in version 9 or higher (Flash plug-in available from





* Red Hat® Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 3 update 8, RHEL 4 update 4 (AS/ES/WS);

  Novell SUSE™ 9.x or 10.1


* Modern processor (800MHz or faster)


* 512MB RAM, 128MB of graphics memory


* Monitor capable of 1024 x 768 minimum screen resolution


* 24x speed CD-ROM drive


* Web browser (recommended: Firefox or later, Mozilla 1.7.x or later, SeaMonkey 1.0.5 or later).


* Flash plug-in version 9 or higher (Flash plug-in available from


* Soundcard with headphones or speakers



2. Running The Application


For PC


* Insert the disk into your CD-ROM drive.


* If it does not start automatically, then do the following:

      - Double-click on My Computer.

      - Right-click on the Grammar Friends CD-ROM icon and select 'Explore'.

      - Double-click on the 'start.html' icon.


* The application should now start.


For Mac


* Insert the disk into your CD-ROM drive.


* Double click on the Grammar Friends CD-ROM icon that appears on your desktop.


* Double click on the 'start.html' icon.


* The application should now start.




* Insert the disk into your CD-ROM drive.


* Navigate to the contents of the disk and double click on the 'start.html' icon.


* The application should now start.



3. Technical support


If you experience any problems with the Grammar Friends CD-ROM, please check that your machine matches or exceeds the minimum system requirements in point 1 above and that you are following the steps outlined in point 2 above.


If these do not help, do the following:

* Email us with your query at: Be sure to provide the following information:

* Operating system (e.g. Windows 2000)

* Amount of RAM

* Processor speed

* Description of error or problem

* Actions before error occurred

* Number of times the error has occurred

* Is the error repeatable?


Please note that these support details are for the Grammar Friends CD-ROM only. We will not be able to assist you with any problems encountered when running any software that is not included on this CD-ROM.


For general help and information on CD-ROMs published by Oxford University Press, visit the multimedia support website at:


© Oxford University Press 2009